HEAVEN SHALL BURN: South American Tour Dates Announced

February 14, 2007

Germany's groundbreaking death metal and hardcore fusionists HEAVEN SHALL BURN have announced the following dates in South America as part of their Libfest tour:

Mar. 09 - Asbury Rock - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mar. 10 – Blondie - Santiago, Chile
Mar. 11 - Hangar 110 - Sao Paulo, Brazil

HEAVEN SHALL BURN entered the national album chart in their home country at position No. 65 with their latest effort, "Deaf to Our Prayers".

The recording of "Deaf to Our Prayers" was once again done at Rape Of Harmonies Studios in Thüringen. However, for the first time, HEAVEN SHALL BURN used Jacob Hansen and his Hansen Studios in Denmark for the mix.

As on their previous albums, HEAVEN SHALL BURN don't just have intense music to offer, but also food for thought. "The title 'Deaf To Our Prayers' is influenced by a line from a poem by Heinrich Heine that dealt with the situation of industrial workers from Silesia in the 19th century," the band said. "Other songs like 'Of No Avail' or 'The Final March' were influenced by Gerhard Hauptmann's drama 'The Weavers'. Especially the situation of the workers in the 19th century, the so-called Industrial Revolution, shows oppressive parallels to current developments in our society that's highly affected by globalization."

However, "Deaf To Our Prayers" also deals with other historic aspects. "'Armia', for example, is about the hopeless, 64-day fight that Polish partisans fought against the occupying power in the battle of Warsaw in August 1944," the band said. "Again, we stayed away from topics such as heartache, problems with parents and 'I'll kill every single one of you.' We know that there are people out there who want to use their heads for banging AND thinking — that's what we are about."

(Thanks: Andrew / The Space Lord)

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